Monday, May 14, 2012

Top Ten Handheld Games

1. Angry Birds

One of the world’s cheapest and most accessible game for apple products is Angry Birds. The objective of this game as most of you may know is to launch these cutely designed wingless birds at pigs via slingshot. This game has become so widely popular that people of all ages and versatility play it, even people that you would never have thought would ever play *gasp* a video game.

2. Temple Run

Temple Run is one of the world’s top handheld games for a variety of reasons for example for a free game it has remarkable graphics. Temple Run is literally a handheld, hand played game; the player controls the characters by actually running their fingers across the screen. There is no real ending to the game but the game is forever going. The objective of the game is to just keep running while avoiding obstacles, because of this, players can pick this game up whenever and simply enjoys it without over thinking it. Just keep running; just keep running, running, running.

3. Draw Something

Draw Something has literally just come out not even a month ago and already over a million games downloads have been bought. You can find people from all other the world playing together, Draw Something always requires two players, forcing people to interact with each other, a beautiful thing.  Draw Something has revolutionized the gaming world in only a matter of days via Apple Inc. Time to whip out your doodling skills, don’t reserve them for math class. In Draw Something you are given three words and you pick one of those words to draw. Then the other person has to guess what you drew.

4. Mario

So you can’t to go to college to be a plumber, well then you should sit your butt down and play as one and get the chick, it’s a win-win situation. Instead of sitting in a college course and unclogging toilets, let’s beat up mushrooms instead. Mario even thought of its slightly odd concept, is a very appealing game series.  This Nintendo favorite seemingly will never be abandoned.

5. Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy like many other games on this list has multiple series games. What makes it stand out from the rest is its incredible storylines that don’t require downloadable content.  The story line makes Final Fantasy one of the top handheld games, like a book brought to life in your pocket.  Even though all the games share a plot involving four warriors and four crystals each game is truly memorable and unique in its own way. If you haven’t played this game series yet, you need to.

6. Pokémon

Right off its first release the Pokémon series become popular all over the world.  Often you’ll hear people say remember Pokémon, my life revolved around that game. With over 41 plus series games Pokémon has taken the world by storm. Rightfully earning its place as one of the top known games, if you have never heard of it, just go, shut your computer down now, and just go , go, now seriously.

7. Castlevania

The hit selling true vampire killing series, there’s no sparkling vampires here. No really you get to kill Dracula, not love him, not go out to lunch; no you get to kill him. Enough said.

8. Tetris

Tetris has been around since the birth of Pong. Tetris started out as a simple yet difficult game for IBM PC, known it is one every game system known to man. The idea of Tetris is to more falling blocks into the correct rotation to fit the most number of blocks together as possible before the screen is over run. Perhaps the most popular handheld version of Tetris is the now version for Nintendo’s DS, which leads to an interesting story , when Nintendo wanted the license for Tetris back when the game Boy was released the company was denied the rights.

9. Animal Crossing

Based off of the hit selling Title for GameCube, Animal Crossing for the DS does not disappoint. Animal Crossing much like the Harvest Moon and The Sims is an open ended game leaving the events of the game decided by the player. In this game the player can customize most of the game and has an ability to play a variety of in game mini-games. Animal Crossing starts out with you being the new village full of various animals and performs various tasks such as chopping wood and drawing constellations. This game also features online game play and a rolling screen of both the ground and sky made possible by the duel screens of the DS.

10. Nintendogs

Ever wanted a real dog without the mess and for it to stay a puppy forever? Well then Nintendogs is the game for you. Nintendogs was originally intended for fluffy gamers but ended up becoming a favorite title among many hardcore gamers. Why is this you may ask, well Nintendogs is a sort of Zen game, you have to take care of the pups in the game as if they were real dogs, if you don’t take care of them they will run away and/ or attack the screen in puppy rage.  What aspect of the game that really draws the player in is the concept of puppy love, these virtual dogs tend to make people forget they are not real and make the player love them as if they were real. Nintendogs was a major success for Nintendo in the fact it blurred the line of reality.

Author: Antoinette Messina


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