Monday, November 15, 2010

Review of: Super Paper Mario

Reviewer:         Amy Pistone
Title:               Super Paper Mario
System:           Wii
Genre:             RPG
            This game isn’t really THAT old, but man, I wish it was, so I could find some excuse as to why this game was so terrible. If you are a fan of Paper Mario, do NOT buy this game. At all. Ever. End of story. Period. Just… don’t do it. There are so many flaws in this game that I will address in a minute but the biggest flaw of them all was putting Paper Mario in the title, as the past two games literally have little to nothing in common with this mess of a game.
            Super Paper Mario gives the impression that it will be like Paper Mario… just Super. This game is NOT super in any way, shape, or form, as a result of its many flaws. The Paper Mario series prides itself on being a turn based RPG. With Super Paper Mario, it is not like this at all. Fighting is much more freeform – a player can get this from virtually any other game, but by putting Paper Mario in the title gives the idea that it will be an RPG. This lack of style forms a giant gap between the first two games and this one. Besides this, the utter lack of an attempt at a storyline is somewhat disgusting. Well, this is somewhat incorrect – they did try their best, but the storyline of Count Bleck seemed to make no sense in relationship to past Paper Mario universes as well as in context of a Mario game itself. Rather than a center like Rougeport where all the characters are diverse and look like they belong in the game, the townspeople in this game are pixilated to the point where they lack personality. This may have been as an attempt at diversity and innovation but instead it just created further disconnect from the previous games. For graphics, the game IS colorful and lively, just unlike past Paper Mario games. Scenery is much more bland and less diverse but the graphics are in fact crisp and bright, which is somewhat of a neutral change in the grand scheme of things. Gone are the interesting stages such as Boggly Woods or the Star Havens, and instead the player is greeted with actual “levels”. The option to a “3D” land is interesting but the whole time constraint makes it more of a bother than a plus. Mario himself even seems to lack the pizzazz and gusto he had in the previous titles. Overall, this just seemed like a sad attempt to create a perfect trilogy.
            In reality, this was not an “awful” game as far as a gameplay – but it should not have been called Super Paper Mario. Short of the graphic style, this is a completely different game from the others. It was fun to play at some points, but the entire time I was wondering where my old favorite RPG style was. Even still, the game lacked personality and after playing it, it was rather unmemorable. I see this entire game as an excuse for Nintendo to make a subpar game, slap a title on it, and claim it as a part of an otherwise amazing series.
Grade:           D. It certainly was not bad enough to be given an F, because the artwork was nice and the gameplay wasn’t “bad”, but this game deserves a D for many reasons, mainly the poor choice in title.

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