Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mischley's Words of Wisdom

Buenos dias y'all!

As C.E.O. of this crazy venture, I figured it was time for me to put my two cents of completely useless information in here. Many of our readers  (that's right...MANY...props to you, Korea!)  may be wondering exactly what this little venture of ours is about, so I decided to enlighten and expand your base knowledge about  Chosen 4 Gaming ( say that part in a booming makes it sound epic).

I am a gamer. I am an English teacher. I am a girl.

At first glance of these simple sentences, you might think " wow....she certainly has a grip on the obvious in her life" , but let me state that being all three has made life very complicated in many ways.   Turns out I'm only allowed to be one or two of these items at a time. I can be a girl who teaches English or I can be a gamer...yup, that's about it. I find that highly frustrating...almost as frustrating as when I buy the latest hot game such as Gears of War 2 or Bioshock 2 and the cashier asks " Do you have any questions about the game?" or informs me that "Your husband will totally love this first person shooter." Okay, first, I have NO QUESTIONS as I am an educated, intelligent gamer who knows the score; and second, the FPS (yes, that's right, I know the lingo, Sparky) is for me and me alone, not for some male counterpart which you naturally assumed I was buying it for because, and only because, I AM A please pick your jaw up off the counter, give me my Gamestop discount, and have a nice day.  Additionally, I must add that I do earn a level of awesomeness from students because I am a gamer....that is, after they riddle me with questions as they initially assume my gaming resume consists of Pong, Sonic,  and Peggle ( which I love as it reminds me of Bob Barker on the Price is Right and the best game ever invented....Plinko....good times...good times).

But I digress. After engaging in multiple conversations with students about gaming, I finally realized I had an untouched avenue of learning that I alone could command.  I say alone not because I think I am the guru of gaming, but in my school there aren't that many people who are gamers or who want to admit they are gamers.Since story lore in gaming is becoming huge in the industry and many of us who love gaming cannot draw or computer animate to save our lives, I decided to run a class concerning story development in gaming. The basic pieces of creative writing remain the same across the genres, so with a few tiny bits of tweaking here and there, I designed a class that would enhance students' abilities to write across the  curriculum.

It's always slow at the start of a new venture, but so far the students have learned about plot types, plot points, video game genres, archetypes, and many more elements of writing fiction and nonfiction. They have taken these skills and created a story line for an amazing video game concept ('s MIND BLOWINGLY AWESOME), including plot line, archetypes and character development, levels, and visuals, all while strengthening their cooperative learning skills and deadline skills ( we're still working on that one just a tiny bit.) Additionally, they have launched a blog, Chosen 4 Gaming, where they are writing reviews of older and newer games, commenting on industry leaders, and researching a myriad of topics.

Overall while we will continue to edit and rewrite postings all the time, our small little idea has really turned into something pretty special. I'm proud of all the work the group has done, and I have to throw a shout out to Amy P, our blogging guru, who always keeps us in line, on topic, and on time.

Please leave your comments. Please keep reading. And please remember....the person sitting next to you may not look like the typical  player, but anyone can be CHOSEN 4 GAMING.

( so corny...but I love it)


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