Monday, May 14, 2012

Top 10 Best/Coolest/Most Innovative Controllers

                              Top 10 Best/Coolest/Most innovative Controllers Final

10. NES Advantage- This was one of best controls for the Nintendo Entertainment System because it sported several cool features such as the large joy stick on the left of the controller and 2 sets of buttons on the right. The joy stick was attached to simulate an arcade experience while one of the sets of buttons were turbo buttons and the others were normal. The turbo buttons allowed you to speed of the movement of game play with an adjustable knob.

9. Super Scope- The Super Scope was a huge wireless bazooka that Nintendo created for use for with several shoot-em-up games such as Super Scope 6 and Terminator 2: The Arcade Game. It worked through the use of infrared technology signaled by electron beams on the screen. Too bad this beast required 6 AA batteries and a lot of patience to hit your target.

8.Wii Remote- Despite it’s cliche and dislike for now, the Wii remote was one of a kind and among the most innovative new controllers ever. The Wii remote was the first controller to deliver fairly accurate motion sensing gameplay which really expanded video games to non-gamers with simple but addictive games such as Wii Sports and Wii Play. Though it doesn’t seem much so now with things like the Playstation Move and the Xbox 360 kinnect, the Wii remote changed the way in which gamers play videogames.

7.   Power Glove- This one earns its spot on the list for innovation alone, seeing as it barely worked and was hated by most. The Power Glove was really cool because it was the first controller/controller accessory to turn hand movements into action on the screen, basically allowing the player to play an NES game with their bare hands. Though it barely worked and long codes were needed to make the glove compatible with the games, the fact that this kind of primitive, motion-sensing technology out back in 1989 and sort of worked is a testament to the creative minds at Nintendo.

6. DK Bongos- This controller was compatible only with the Gamecube and several Donkey Kong games, thus it was an overlooked innovation for a controller at the time. The controller simply featured two drums and a sensor in the middle to pick up clapping. This proved to be a very involved controller, especially when in use with Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. In Jungle Beat, the player moves DK left and right with the left and right bongos and claps to make him clap. Beating on the bongos would make DK beat on nearby enemies which was awesome. Overall this was a really cool controller because it was the step closer to the Wii remote in terms of motion sensing technology.

5. DDR Pad- This controller was extremely innovative simply because it allowed gamers to use their feet rather than their hands to play games. Though exclusively limited to music games, the pad completely turned the norm of handheld control on its head and provided a way for gamers to get real exercise while playing games.

4. Dreamcast controller- This controller is cool for several reasons. For one it influenced Microsoft’s Xbox and Xbox 360 controllers with similar button set ups and positions of analog and control sticks  which is a pretty solid, comfortable set up. The other thing that makes it cool is the slot a vmu-unit in every controller. A vmu-unit was a two-in-one memory card and mini handheld system. This makes the Dreamcast controller the only controller which holds a memory card/mini handheld right in the controller which is pretty awesome.

3.Playstation Dual-shock Controller- This controller was really innovative for the time because it included two analog sticks, which I believe is the first time a modern controller has done so. Not only a huge improvement over the first Playstation controller which featured a crappy directional arrows for navigation, but also became a staple in most standard video game controllers. The two sticks are most useful in first-person- shooters among other games for aiming as well as additional camera control which is essential for those kinds of games.

2.Gamecube Controller- Anyone who’s used a Gamecube controller will understand why this is here. Though not necessary matched with the greatest system or game library, the Gamecube controller is the most comfortable and wieldy controller ever made. The control stick isn’t stick or loose and the buttons feel good and they are the right size for all most anyone’s hands. I use the Gamecube controller for every compatible Wii game to this day simply for the reason of how easy and comfortable it is to use.

1.Konami Laser Scope- This NES controller came in the form of a head set with a scope module. Basically this controller would work with various shooting games on the NES and worked through voice command which was awesome. Nothing the beat shooting down a plane in an NES game with an word or phrase of choice. While, somewhat obscure and not massively popular, this found this to be one of the most innovative and interesting controllers of all time.

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