Monday, January 10, 2011

Review of: Gears of War 2

Reviewer: David Lam
Title: Gears of War 2
System: Xbox 360
Genre: Third Person Shooter

            You are a soldier that fights for the human race against the monstrous species known as the locust. Gears of War 2 continues the epic story experienced in the first game and it also features new gameplay features such as executions. This game is well done and thought out, also Epic Games would update Gears of War 2 whenever they found a problem. It is good to see a game being taken care of like it should.
            Gears of War 2 has Marcus going into the hole with his friend Dom. In there they will find the home of the locusts and they are taking the fight to the locust’s home now. Along the way friends die and new plot twists are discovered. Some concern Marcus and his father while another tells us the fate of Dom’s wife. The plotline has you fired up and intense through the game.
            Aside from having an interesting story Gears also has new enemies such as tickers and new interactive parts like riding Brumaks. These new enemies have different abilities and weapons forcing you to use new strategies. The new execution feature allows you to make and enemy crawl on the ground from injury (similar to last stand in COD). After they are down you can do anything you want with their bodies that result in different executions. Different weapons also provide different executions. You could pick them up and use the body as a shield or just let your enemy bleed until his death.

            The new bosses that you must battle are intense and require some thought in order to defeat them. One boss is Skourge who is really tough just like Raam. Raam was a really difficult boss in the first game and Skourge exceeds his difficulty. Besides having some interesting new additions and a more deep plotline Gears has multiplayer which is fun for everyone. It is safe to say Gears of War 2 did very well and they have achieved a very good grade.
Graphics: B+
Sound: B
Gameplay: A
Lasting Appeal: A
Overall: A-

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