Author: Amy Pistone
1) GoldenEye 007
There were certainly other “shooter” games before this one, but GoldenEye was the first to really introduce some of the features we know and love today – headshots, scopes, missions. This first person shooter was the first “major” shooting game to hit the N64, and has stood the test of time. Many games following the release of GoldenEye have modeled gameplay after it because the original was so well made. The game was such a success that a remake of it is to be released in November of 2010.
2) Tetris
You’ll be left playing in your sleep. Tetris is revolutionary in the fact that absolutely ANYONE can play it. Children can catch on quickly to the gameplay and parents can prove their puzzle skills. The music is catchy beyond belief on levels no game has yet to match. Tetris is influential because it is a “franchise” that has not been revamped drastically since its release, and yet sequels can keep being made and they will sell.
3) Grand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto is by far the most controversial game to be released. Parents are against it with more fire than an arsonist, and children wistfully wait for the day when they’ll be able to buy it for themselves. GTA contains more of the edgy, “taboo” subjects – IE: beating up… ladies of the night? GTA has paved the way for future games with more controversial storylines, ultimately yielding more interesting games in the long run. In addition, this first game has established a powerful franchise that should be around for years to come.
4) The Sims
While not much of a conventional videogame, Sims is one of the most addicting games out there. This game has allowed the player to live out their fantasies of that perfect husband with the two children and the picket fence, or on a different note, killing fictitious people through various methods. This was the first major game to establish this type of freedom as the actual gameplay rather than just a nifty bonus. Countless games have followed in the Sims’ footsteps, but as the original, it has proved to be the most well known franchise of this type.
5) Final Fantasy
This is one of the most famous franchises out there, and for good reason. Final Fantasy has always been revolutionary in its style as well as its importance placed both on storyline and graphics. It is likely the most famous role playing game ever. Newer games have taken pieces of the Final Fantasy series as they were forced to acknowledge the importance of characterization as well as putting a higher focus on appealing graphics. Final Fantasy is the alpha male of the RPG genre, and no one has yet to kick it off the top.
6) The Legend of Zelda Series
If video games were a sandwich, then Zelda is the tasty bacon that makes the sandwich amazing. The Zelda games have possibly the biggest cult following among gamers, while still being respectable among critics. The series sports the most flawless combination of fighting, puzzles, and adventure. Debates are often formed upon which is the best title of the series – The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess? This series has a diehard fan base, and as such it is unfathomable to think of any possible ending to Zelda.
7) Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong might not be the most popular of the Nintendo head honchos, but that ape packs a serious punch – and bragging title. Donkey Kong can boast that it invented Mario – if DK hadn’t existed, no one would ever know our favorite Italian plumber! In addition, Donkey Kong gave us one of the most important tools ever in gaming – jumping. A small feat today, but DK was the one to pioneer the versatile move that can now be found in almost any adventure/action game. Who would of thought that a little ape would be so important?
8) Dance Dance Revolution
With today’s Wii, videogames have started to really utilize motion within the gameplay. Gamers can often be spotted violently waving around a Wii Remote and Nunchuck like a sword. However, before the Wii, there was Dance Dance Revolution. DDR is a pioneer of sorts, as it was really the first “popular” game to include movement and make it fun. Movement is vital to the gameplay of DDR, rather than just a bonus add-on. Children and adults would often go to arcades and spend hours having dance-offs with others. Since its release, portable versions have made it into households, making many arcades obsolete. Dance Dance Revolution is still alive and well, and has spurred many knock-offs and sequels. So when you play your Resident Evil 4 with your “gun” or are doing that work-out with the Wii Balance board, thank DDR for making movement a common tool of game design.
9) Pac Man/Mrs. Pac Man
Waka waka waka… Pac Man is influential because despite its simplistic gameplay, it was enough to get hoards of gamers to crowd around an arcade system for hours on end. Pac Man himself is an iconic figure, distinguishable in all cultures. In addition, Ms. Pac Man might be even more important because she was the first playable female in games. She’s one of the more powerful females, and instead of being weaker than males, she’s equal with her husband in pretty much every aspect. Videogames have a tendency to stereotype the women as side characters rather than the starring role, but Ms. Pac Man got her own game! She’s one of the few females to ever get her own game, besides Samus and Lara Croft. Pac Man and Ms. Pac Man have gone through decades with no radical changes to gameplay, but sequels keep selling. No matter what, everyone can play Pac Man and those games will always be on the shelves as a result.
10) Pong
Ahhh, Pong. In retrospect, Pong is a very boring game compared to new titles like Halo or Super Mario Galaxy. Two paddles and a ball, that’s like a baby’s toy! Despite its ancient gameplay, Pong is important as one of the first video games to gain major success. The home version was an incredible leap at time of release, pioneering the idea of at-home gaming. There really isn’t much to say about Pong, but it is an understood fact that Pong is one of the most important games in terms of being revolutionary and influential – it influenced virtually every single game after it.
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