Reviewer: Joe Ruffini
Title: LocoRoco
System: PlayStation Portable
Locoroco is most definitely one of the most addicting games you will ever come across. The first thing you see is this cute little blob, and that is the Locoroco. But rather than playing as that little guy, oddly enough you play as the planet that the Locoroco is on. It doesn’t sound very appealing, but as you play you just get hooked. Time passes as you play level after level without even realizing it. The controls are pretty simple, left bumper to make the planet tilt left, right bumper to make it tilt right, and if you pressed them both at the same time then the blob would jump. It sounds like a pretty easy game, but to get everything in each level requires a lot of play time and a lot of searching. The goal is to find all the Locoroco’s hidden inside these strange little fruits. There are other fruits that you can get that just get you points. Aside from fruit you can get, you can find these little people type creatures. I really am not 100% sure what they are, but there are only like 4 in a level and you have to be very good at the game to find all of them. Once you have the hang of the game then you start to see all the little possible places where the little buggers are hidden. But while you’re searching for your little blobs and other mates, you have to look out for some flying tentacle blob things called Mojas. They are annoying as all hell. If you don’t hit them right to kill them, then you start to get eaten by them, so you have to hop around frantically in hopes that you’ll be jerked free. But once you are free from the evil clutches of the Mojas then you will be able to continue on your way and rescue all your little pals and whatnot. As cutesy and silly this game is, it pulls you in and you get hooked quickly. It is a highly suggested buy for any PSP owner. Graphics: B-
Sound: B
Gameplay: A
Lasting Appeal: A+
Overall: B+
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