Monday, May 14, 2012

Introducing The Vintage Gamers’ New Love Affair, The NeoGeo X:

            Created by Blaze, the NeoGeo X is the next up and coming handheld game console for 2012.  It is based off the original Neo Geo and appears to be similar to the iphone in design. This version is created exclusively for vintage gamers but it bears an overwhelming price tag. The Neo Geo X is over $700, way more than the cost of PS Vista or the 3D DS.  The price has not been set in stone yet thought.

The Neo Geo X features a 3.5 LCD screen and 20 built in games, such as Metal Slugs and Last Resort. It also features a SD card expansion, possibility for more games that have yet to be released for the system. It has a headphone port and A/V output as well.

The releasing of the Neo Geo X is all so very secretive, it has a website but you have to sign up to receive information about it. Only few things about it have been told to the public and by public I mean only those who happen to wander upon it on game sites.

Sadly not many may be able to get their hands on the Neo Geo X and not only because of the price. The Neo Geo X is being released as a limited edition console. Only a few of them will be out for who can afford it to buy. So don’t get too excited just yet.      - Antoinette Messina


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