Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Review of: Assassin's Creed II

Reviewer: David Lam
Title: Assassin's Creed II
System: PlayStation 3/Xbox 360
Genre: Third-person action-adventure

It is 2012 and you enter a device called the Animus which analyzes your DNA and finds the stored memories of your ancestors inside the DNA. You now clearly see a beautiful city and it is the late 15th century. Your ancestor is Ezio and you are a member of a very notable family in Florence known as the Auditores. It is the renaissance a period where science ,culture, and art flourished. As your ancestor you enjoy your life as an Auditore. You get into fights with the rival family the Pazzi, visit your girlfriend, and have races on the rooftops with your brother. Suddenly you learn that your father and brothers where convicted of treason. Your father was going to expose the corrupt Pazzi family and reveal a huge conspiracy that would tear apart Italy's unity. They are executed and you continue your father's line of a work as an assassin. You escape with your mother and sister and proceed to learn more of the conspiracy and hunt down the men involved. You gain abilities, weapons, allies, and information that will change the way you think of the world in a philosophical way.

Review of: Fallout 3

Reviewer: David Lam
Title: Fallout 3
System: PlayStation 3/Xbox 360
Genre: Action RPG/First-Person Shooter

Here we have Fallout 3 a game that would appeal to people who enjoy role playing games and sandbox games. Fallout 3 centers around a post apocalyptic world during the 1950's. The world is in shambles as nuclear fallout has spread all across America. You are a member of something called a Vault. Vaults were built for protection against nukes and they are underground structures built to house and protect humans. Every vault is different ; some are ruled by tyrants and others infested with radioactive mutants.  Some vaults are filled with insane people and you play as a character which is customizable as male or female with different attributes.  You go through life as a vault member and eventually you get out after your dad disappears. You learn and experience the world outside meeting all different kinds of people and mutants in a 1950's setting. You experience the culture and see the new ways people survive. 

Review of: Final Fantasy IX

Reviewer: David Lam
Title: Final Fantasy IX
System: PlayStation
Genre: RPG

The world of Gaia is on the edge of war. The kingdom of Alexandria has become dangerous and Queen Brahne has become power hungry trying to dominate the world. Queen Brahne has a plan to dominate the world and this conspiracy is hidden from the public until you the main character discover the plot. Like all Final Fantasy games you are the agile, young, hero destined to save the world. Alexandria is dangerous and the ruler of the city of Lindblum has sent a team of rogues or mercenaries disguised as a theatre group to enter Alexandria and kidnap Princess Garnet. She is the niece of the ruler of Lindblum known as Cid. You are Zidane a member of the group of rogues and you help kidnap Garnet. Like all Final Fantasies the main character and main female heroine have an intimate relationship. As the story progresses you gain new weapons, abilities, and characters to join your group. You go on a quest to help Garnet and along the way you gain characters who each have their own reason for joining your group. Steiner the knight follows the princess in order to protect her. Garnet decides to be free of royal life and experience the world. Vivi the orphan mage befriends the group and also joins. All of them have their own history which you can find out through easter eggs and playing the game. Like usual you travel through towns and cities on foot and later by airship or land vehicles. Every character has a special unique ability like Zidane's steal ability or Vivi who casts offensive black magic spells. Other specialties include summon spells , white magic (defensive spells) and various others. You can control up to eight characters and you eventually learn the many different connections the characters have to each other or the history in the game.

Review of: Final Fantasy Tactics

Reviewer: David Lam
Title: Final Fantasy Tactics
System: PlayStation
Genre: Tactical RPG

            Ivalice was once peaceful  and full of life. Now after the 50 Year War Ivalice has become a desperate land ravaged by war. Innocent lives were taken and cities were destroyed. The economy is left in ruins resulting from the funding spent on  the war. The war veterans have no jobs and return to a broken country filled with despair. The depression is forcing citizens to steal and join mercenary forces. The common citizens are starving and there are many orphans left over from the war. The upper class nobles enjoy an extravagant lifestyle that is dwindling slowly but surely. There are different groups and sides all trying to get into power. They manipulate mercenaries and people in order to gain power through mystical Zodiac stones which transform people into an evil spirit capable of causing mass destruction. The story focuses on Ramza aand Delita. Ramza is young and due to his life in the upper class he is spoiled. He is naïve and unrealistic leaving him to be idealistic. However he always has this sense of morality throughout the whole game and he always tries to do what is right. Delita is the opposite in the sense that he is cunning and has more realistic goals. He takes decisive action to acquire those goals. One example being kidnapping a princess in order to acquire more power and to rule the land. In other words the outcome would have been good for Ivalice but Delita’s means were immoral but that is the characteristic we see in this realistic character.

Review of: Halo Reach

Reviewer: David Lam
Title: Halo Reach
System: Xbox 360
Genre: First-person Shooter

            That common feeling has come once again this fall. Remember the past years of Halo games
coming out in the fall with Call of Duty right on its tail. Well prepare yourself to experience that feeling once again. On September 14,2010 Halo Reach was released in stores and within weeks the game sold millions of copies. That statistic can tell us one thing about Reach and it is that Reach did it’s job. We have been anticipating this game and it came with new features on the campaign, multiplayer, and forge.

Mischley's Words of Wisdom

Buenos dias y'all!

As C.E.O. of this crazy venture, I figured it was time for me to put my two cents of completely useless information in here. Many of our readers  (that's right...MANY...props to you, Korea!)  may be wondering exactly what this little venture of ours is about, so I decided to enlighten and expand your base knowledge about  Chosen 4 Gaming ( say that part in a booming makes it sound epic).

I am a gamer. I am an English teacher. I am a girl.